WordPress is an award-winning web software, used by millions of webmasters worldwide for building their website or blog. We host WordPress installations and provide users with multiple resources to facilitate the management of their WP websites:

Web Hosting Introduction

Websites need hosting to be viewable on the internet. To get your site online, you’ll need access to server somewhere in the world that will host your site’s files. With paid hosting plans, you’re renting space for your files.

There are are few primary types of hosting plans: shared, dedicated, and cloud.

Shared Website Hosting Plans

With a shared hosting plan, your website is stored on one server with many other websites:

Shared Hosting
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Shared hosting plans will have 10-100 sites on each server, and are designed for static sites that don’t get a lot of traffic, or need to perform under pressure. There is also a variation of shared hosting called virtual private server (VPS) hosting, where you get your own partition off of a shared server. This can improve performance but ultimately will still fall short on performance, as the drive’s resources can still be over-pressurized.

Dedicated Hosting Plans

With dedicated hosting, you can have a dedicated server exclusively for your website’s files. This is a very powerful choice, although it is also the most expensive choice. It’s almost like renting your very own personal computer only to store your website’s files, somewhere else in the world.

Dedicated Hosting
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Side Note: All hosting plans can either be considered “managed” or “unmanaged”. Managed hosting plans handle updates and security, while unmanaged hosting plans only provide you with space on the server and give you the ability to adjust the settings yourself. This can be difficult to manage if you don’t know what you’re doing.

Cloud Hosting Plans

With cloud hosting, your website’s files are stored on a virtual private server that is connected to many other virtual private servers; cloud hosting is basically a virtual private network, made up of virtual private servers.

Cloud Hosting
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Cloud hosting is efficient for businesses looking for the ability to scale their server-size as they grow, have consistent reliability (as each server can pickup pace with the others), and to top it off when necessary can increase speed as needed. This is the most flexible of the options, and is what we recommend and use ourselves.

Biggest Reasons Your Site Needs The Best Web Hosting

To help you understand why your hosting provider and plan decisions are so important:

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Web Host Dependability

As a business owner, it’s important that your site is always working. It’s a “24/7 sales person”, collecting leads that you can potentially convert into paying customers. It’s vital that it stays up and running.

All servers do have occasional downtimes for updates and required maintenance, but it’s usually very brief and hopefully during non-business hours, depending on your host.

In regards to dependability, a shared hosting plan is the least dependable out of these options. Shared hosting servers can crash due to unexpected volume spikes and or poor security. A dedicated plan is moderately dependable, as they are more secure, but lack the ability to scale as traffic comes in. Cloud hosting plans are the most versatile and dependable, because they provide the most dependability on both security and with their ability to take on a large volume of traffic without server-level oversight.

Web Host Scalability

Assuming your plan is to grow your business, some hosting plans are built to scale as your business does, while others are not. Shared hosting, for instance, is actually preferred over dedicated hosting in regards to scalability, because it does have the ability to take on large amounts of traffic. Unfortunately, dedicated hosting is not designed to scale. Cloud hosting, on the other hand, is very practical in terms of sudden traffic spikes and in situations where the demands for the website resources could go up as the traffic increases. As your website grows, the cloud server adapts and provides the necessary resources to ensure quality service without interruption, all the while guaranteeing the security of the data.

The best part is, a cloud server is not limited by the physical capacity of a single server (dedicated server) or proximity to neighbors (shared hosting). As a result, you’ll be ready if your your website becomes flooded with new customers.

Web Host Security

One of the most important aspects of your website’s performance is it’s ability to defend itself. With the growing number of server-level attacks, the more hits your server takes from unnecessary traffic pops, the less it performs. Shared hosting can easily be infiltrated, because once one site that’s shared on the same server as yours gets attacked, it reduces your site’s server’s resources. You’d essentially be trusting that other people are effectively protecting their sites, in hopes that your site will continue to perform.

In regards to the security of a dedicated hosting server, it is solely dependent on the security expertise of a single user, meaning someone would need to monitor the server, take backups, install security patches, and maintain firewalls. On the contrary, cloud hosting provides all of these security-related aspects so that you can solely focus on your website’s content.

Web Host Performance

Lastly, when it comes to your site’s performance, you should want more than for your site to be fast. You should want it to stay fast. One of our primary reasons for writing about WordPress hosting is that website speed can decrease with time, if not properly managed. We step in and consistently manage your website’s speed for you.


The performance of your website’s host is like the foundation of your home. Do yourself a huge long-term favor, and pick a host that you know is going to help you keep your site running, and as fast as possible.

The key reasons your web host choice matters for your business:

  1. Your web host should be dependable.
  2. Your business needs the ability to scale its server when necessary.
  3. Your site’s larger-scale security effectively depends on your host.
  4. Your host largely determines your website’s speed.

Our WordPress Hosting

We provide superior WordPress hosting focused on speed, security, and optimization. We take care of WordPress security with specific server-level management, WP auto-updates, and daily backups. We make sites faster by regularly upgrading their software, offering free CDN, and developing a group of premium WordPress plugins that speed sites up! Last but not least, we provide real WordPress help when you need it.

WordPress is considered an easy to work with software. Yet, if you are a beginner you might need some help, or you might be looking for tweaks that do not come naturally even to more advanced users. If you are interested in working with us, you may visit our contact page to get in touch.

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